Català: "A amèrica hem tingut temps dolents: la gent ha
perdut les feines i les cases. Sé que a catalunya ha estat encara
pitjor. Dediquem aquesta canço als indignats del 15-M i als que lluiten a
English: "In America we've had difficult times: people have lost
their jobs and their homes. I know that in Catalonia it's been even
worse. We dedicate this song to the protesters 'indignats' of 15-M, and
to those who fight in Catalonia".
Español: En America hemos pasado tiempos dificiles: La gente ha perdido los trabajos y las casas.
Se que Cataluña ha estado peor. Dedicamos esta cancion a los indignados del 15-m y a los que luchan en Cataluña ;)
English: "In America we've had difficult times: people have lost their jobs and their homes. I know that in Catalonia it's been even worse. We dedicate this song to the protesters 'indignats' of 15-M, and to those who fight in Catalonia".